Google Now arriva sul Desktop

Buone notizie, Google Now,  una delle funzioni più utili di Android arriva per tutti su Chrome, sia per MAC che per PC.

Google ha appena annunciato il rilascio in versione beta di Google Now per desktop, per ora sarà disponibile solo nella versione Chrome Canary (34.0.1788) disponibile sul sito e dovrà essere esplicitamente abilitata andando in chrome://flags/#enable-google-now e riavviando il browser.

Google informa che: “If you use Google Now on your mobile device, you can see certain Now cards on your desktop computer if you’re signed into Chrome, including weather, sports scores, commute traffic, and event reminders cards. Some of these cards may be based on the location of your mobile device. Google Now on Chrome shows a subset of the Now cards you see on your mobile device, which uses your device’s location. You can edit your location settings (Location Reporting and Location History) on your Android or iOS device at any time,”.


  • android
  • desktop
  • google
  • google now
  • mac
  • pc

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